Funding, scholarships and awards

There are several options to finance your graduate studies. 

Minimum Funding 

For research-based programs there is minimum funding guaranteed by your supervisor and the university. Each faculty and university offer a different amount and conditions.  Course-based master’s students do not receive guaranteed minimum funding from the faculty or university.  

Teaching Assistantships 

On top of the minimum funding, there are graduate teaching assistantship (TA) and research assistantship (RA) opportunities that are paid as monthly salaries on top of the minimum funding. 

University Awards and Scholarships 
Additionally, each university has a database of scholarships, internal and external awards that could apply for both research and course-based programs.  

Government Opportunities 

There are federal and provincial award competitions like CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC that you may be eligible to apply for. You can also apply for provincial and/or federal student loans like OSAP.